Don’t Be Afraid Of Getting The Face You’ve Always Wanted

7a01d560be6f5a3c2e962c260d21b356 It’s the season of fright and things that go bump in the night, but when it comes to making the choice to create the look you’ve always wanted, whether that’s to rejuvenate your skin or something more extensive, like changing your nose or jawline, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

No Tricks

By working with an experienced and board-certified physician like Dr. Mao and his exceptional staff, your experience will be a positive one. Dr. Mao will discuss your needs and wants with you extensively and help you plan to achieve your goals. Whether you simply want to refresh your face by minimizing fine lines with a liquid facelift or need help reducing the appearance of acne scars with laser resurfacing or you need a whole new nose, we are here to help.

All Treats

Mao Facial Plastic Surgery offers a wide array of treatment options to help you overcome any challenge. The most important factor in determining your treatment is what you are trying to achieve. From correcting congenital abnormalities to restoring self-esteem and confidence, we strive to provide caring, comprehensive care to all of our patients.

Something Sweet

Through November, you can get a special bonus: one FREE area of Botox* ($300 value)! Botox is a relatively painless, nonsurgical treatment for wrinkles and fine lines that will show results almost immediately. If you have laugh lines or crows’ feet that have started to bother you when you look in the mirror, Botox is a simple and effective treatment that can enliven your appearance and smooth your skin. It’s safe for most people and has been approved by the FDA.

If you’re interested in treating yourself to something more than chocolate this season, click here to learn more about Botox treatments. You can also call or text to schedule a consultation with us today or fill out the online form here.

*Cannot be combined with other promotions or special offers or used for a procedure that has already been confirmed with a deposit. Surgery must occur prior to Nov. 27th, 2019.

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