The Battle Against Eye Wrinkles

Wrinkles around the eyes can make you look (and feel) older than you really are. How do we get those wrinkles, and what can we do about them? 

Where did those wrinkles come from?

As we age, the skin loses elastin and collagen, which helps skin to look firm, young, and supple. When there is less elastin and collagen, the skin loses its elasticity, which leads to wrinkles and fine lines. The area around and between the eyes is very delicate and can develop wrinkles very easily – often this is the first place we might notice lines.

Besides aging, here are some other factors that lead to wrinkles around the eyes: 

  • Smoking, which can narrow the blood vessels and make it difficult for skin to get the moisture and nutrients it needs.
  • Sun exposure, which can damage and dehydrate skin. If you are often in the sun and squinting, this can also cause wrinkles.
  • Poor nutrition. A high sugar diet is bad for the skin.
  • Not drinking enough water. Water not only helps to get rid of toxins in the body, but it also helps to hydrate the skin.

What can we do about wrinkles around the eyes?

If you are concerned about wrinkles around the eyes, you can take steps to take care of your skin, such as quitting smoking, always wearing sunscreen and sunglasses when you go outside, and trying to eat healthier. Other tips for preventing wrinkles are to make sure you moisturize your skin often (the area around the eyes often gets overlooked when we moisturize) and to stay hydrated. Unfortunately, sometimes these efforts are too little, too late, and won’t help the wrinkles that have already formed. 

Another option is a dermal filler, such as Restylane or Juvéderm. These fillers help to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and give your skin the nutrients it craves! The process of getting a filler is quick, and the results are almost instantaneous and long-lasting. 

If you are tired of wrinkles around the eyes and home remedies don’t seem to be doing anything, Dr. Johnny Mao and Mao Facial Plastic Surgery can help. Call the office in Orange, Connecticut, at (203) 907-0501 for an appointment today!

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